Agence immobilière Miremont
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Administrative information from your agency

Site Editor(s)

Company name: MY HOME TOULOUSE | Registered office: 202 route de la Gare 31190 MIREMONT | RCS: Toulouse 851 459 214 00017 | Company form: SASU | Intra-Community VAT number: FR 24 851459214 |
Professional card transaction n° 3101 2019 000 041 912
Prefecture of issue of the professional card: Toulouse | Capital: €1,000 | Financial guarantee fund: GALIAN | Financial guaranteed amount: €120,000 


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User rights
In accordance with European regulations and the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, Internet users whose personal data are processed by ACAI have the right to access their data and the right to request the rectification, updating and deletion of their personal data by writing to the postal address of the publisher of the site.

Personal data

Personal data is kept at least for the duration of the commercial relationship and, if applicable, until the user makes a withdrawal request. Personal information is never passed on to third parties.


The cookies used on this site are only used for statistical purposes, do not contain any private information and do not identify the user. The retention period of cookies is 1 year.

Intellectual property

The whole of this site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved. The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of this site on an electronic medium or any other medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited without the express authorization of the director of publication.

Force majeure

The responsibility of the publisher of the site can not be engaged in case of force majeure or facts beyond its control.

Changes to the legal notice

The publisher reserves the right to modify, freely and at any time, the legal notices of the site. The use of the site constitutes acceptance of the legal notices in force.

Applicable law

The site is governed by French law.
©2022 My Home Toulouse real estate agency, All rights reserved. SIRET : 851 459 214 00017
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