Agence immobilière Miremont

Detector de humo en su casa.

Detector de humo en su casa.
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Obligation to put a smoke detector in your home

The smoke detector, also called DAAF (autonomous smoke detector), makes it possible to detect the first signs of a fire in an apartment or house: it is triggered from the first smoke and emits an audible signal capable of waking up a person asleep in his home.

The obligation to install a smoke detector

Given the large number of victims caused by domestic fires (more than 800 deaths), a law was passed on 9 March 2010, making it mandatory to install at least one smoke detector, including the CE standard, in all empty or occupied dwellings (main or secondary dwellings). The installation deadline was January 1, 2016.

However, so far, no sanctions have been provided for non-installation. But as a landlord, you are required to install one if you want to rent your home.

On the other hand, in the event of a fire, the insurer cannot, under any circumstances, refuse to compensate you on the grounds that you have not installed a smoke detector. It therefore protects you, your tenant or the holidaymaker occupying your holiday rental but also ensures better compensation.

The different types of DAAF

The most common smoke detectors work with a battery that ranges in life from two (alkaline battery) to 10 years (lithium battery). The detector must emit a signal when the battery needs to be changed.

Others operate on mains and include a backup battery, in case of power cut. There are detectors vibrating or emitting a light signal, especially for deaf people.

Anyway, it is advisable to check the NF (French standards) indication on the smoke detector.

Where to install a smoke detector in your home ?

The smoke detector must be placed in the center of the ceiling, in the hallway or on the landing, areas of passageways. Thus positioned, it will trigger before the fumes enter the rooms, giving you a chance to get out of the house before being trapped by the fire.

However, it should not be installed in a kitchen or bathroom because of the emissions of steam and smoke due to cooking and showering.

If the dwelling has several levels, it is recommended to install one on each floor.

Posted on 28/04/2022 by

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